Thursday, 27 May 2010

Proof, if Proof Were Needed

We had a call yesterday from a company looking for solicitors in Bury St Edmunds. You may or may not know that we're not actually solicitors at all, but a marketing and business consultancy looking to help your firm of solicitors make more impact in your industry.

But we have a solicitors website www.solicitorsburystedmunds that features high up in the search engine results, so it was quite natural for this company to call us.

For most visitors, the current site is clearly not connected to any one firm or partnership, but it could be - and being on page one of Google means people looking for a solicitor in the town are very likely to find it.

So, while the site is nothing special, that's very much a temporary thing. The point is, the website address (domain) and its page one slot could be yours. It could easily point to your existing website if you're happy with that or you could have an entirely new site built for your business at

Remember, people searching for a legal help in Bury St Edmunds probably won't know or remember your name, but they will know they need a solicitor.

So, if you have a solicitors practice in or near Bury St Edmunds get in touch, before your competitors do.



Monday, 3 May 2010

Are You Making 'Obscene' Profits from the Law?

I don't suppose you really want to answer that. And if you are a partner in a firm of solicitors you may not be making much as money as you'd like at the moment.

And actually, we find a lot of legal professionals are squeamish about declaring their intention to make any profit at all. This, despite the years of training, undoubted talent and continuing need for good lawyers.

So, for a law firm, discretion is usually a key part of their marketing strategy. Something some marketers find hard to deal with. After all, how can you advertise discreetly and effectively?

That's why we don't just offer advertising, or even marketing, as a package or a la carte.

Instead, through Business Profits Jumpstart and Cinnamon Edge, we offer firms like yours a thorough examination of your business and a diagnosis of just where you might be letting profits slip through your fingers. There are almost always hidden profit opportunities, too, even in a regulated profession like Law, and we'll help you tease those out as well.

Meanwhile, the best solicitors in Bury St Edmunds might like to take advantage of the best website domain available, at, where we currently have a temporary website and domain for sale, just waiting for its new owners to make their mark and, however discreetly, make an impact in providing legal services for Bury St Edmunds.

You see, you don't necessarily have to shout about your presence to have a presence - you just need to be visible, as our solicitors' website already is. Even if you have a website already, as you probably do, having that website address pointing at it will be a very useful start to getting more clients and making more profits. Even if you'd rather keep quiet about it.


PS. Contact us by email or phone if you'd like to discuss any aspect of your business or its marketing, or if you would like to be THE solicitor for Bury St Edmunds by having our website reallocated to your firm or partnership.

Call 01284 753912 or email or

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